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Why Ty McDonald Deserves To Win Big Brother Canada 11


Why Ty McDonald Deserves To Win Big Brother Canada 11

We are finally down to the Big Brother Canada 11 final three houseguests. That means it’s time for our look back at the game of the final three Big Brother Canada 11 players. For the next few days, we’ll discuss the game strength and weaknesses of each of the final three players.

We’ll look at what they did well, their mishaps, and how the jury may judge their gameplay. Because Big Brother Canada has yet to officially reveal the names of the other two final three houseguests, I won’t spoil those in this post and will wait to mention them in the other posts after Wednesday’s episode. The Tuesday episode of Big Brother Canada 11 revealed that Ty McDonald won the Head of Household. This secured his spot in the final three. We’ll discuss his game first.

Love him or despise him, Ty has played a major role in the season. The first few weeks, he was playing a pretty good game because Zach and Rob were making more of a splash. While they were going after each other and making their games known, Ty built relationships. Everyone saw Zach’s game, but Ty took more of a sidekick role that made players more comfortable with him in the game than Zach.

People liked Ty. However, then it all went to hell when Kuzie decided to get Zach out of the game. This quickly dropped Ty to the bottom of the house. Firstly, he made such a scene by trying to keep Zach in the game and trying to expose Hope’s “cheating,” that Ty became public enemy number one.

He only managed to stay during the secret Invisible HOH week because Kuzie, despite their issues, still saw the potential of working with him. She got Daniel C to save Ty with the Veto. This gave him a new life and power.

However, Ty used his second life in the wrong way. He continued to make more enemies than friends because of how he spoke to and treated people in the house. He called them too emotional, blamed them for his actions, and just couldn’t take accountability for anything he did wrong in the game. However, what he lacked in social skills, Ty made up for in competition prowess.

He kept winning competitions. This allowed him to keep himself safe but it also made the house give up on getting him out of the game. It also enabled him to start to use strategy in the game. Ty began to increase his social game and spend his social capital to play the middle. He kept the Girlie Pops and The Shadiest Bunch going after each other and leaving him alone.

Eventually, Ty used this feud to take out each player of the Girlie Pops and leave Claudia with only him to depend on in this game. This almost guarantees that she would feel that she needed him to make it to the end of Big Brother Canada 11.

No one can deny that it’s impressive that someone who was so far at the bottom managed to claw their way to the top and stay in the game this long. However, Ty has not been the most likable player. Being likable does matter because the jury members are the ones who decide who wins the game. Ty had no problems sending Shanaya and Renee to the jury. He also did it in a sort-of cruel way to Shanaya, and then he lied to Renee about keeping her before he sent her out of the game.

Then Santina and Jonathan don’t seem to be on the Ty fan train. Their votes will likely depend on who sits next to him in the end. Kuzie is probably for sure voting for Ty. Then Dan S and Hope will probably vote for him as well. I don’t think Ty has the game won yet but if his plea to the jury is good enough, it’s his game to lose.

Do you think Ty deserves to win Big Brother Canada 11? Let us know in the comment section.

With only a few days left in Big Brother Canada 11, you won’t want to miss any of the action.

Read more:

Why Ty McDonald Deserves To WinBBCAN11

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Welcome, everyone to my season summary of BBCAN 11.

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