Tonight's Show Episode 12 Recap!

Tonight's Show Episode 12 Recap!
Last week in the Big Brother Canada 11 week had so much drama that we lost multiple days of Digitial Dailies. By the end of the week, two players decided to self-evict instead of continuing in the game. Vanessa left for personal reasons which weren’t disclosed by Big Brother Canada. However, we watched Zach’s demise play it out over the course of a few episodes.
He also almost ended Ty’s game. Zach decided to self-evict because he wasn’t happy that Hope was allowed to stay in the house after breaking a major Big Brother rule–no items from home such as letters from loved ones. Now Ty is alone without his Big Brother bestie and must find a new place in the game, or he could join Zach in the outside world real soon. Dan may also face some repercussions as one of Zach’s other former close allies. To make things even more dramatic, BBCAN decided to make this “Whodunit” Week, which means the Head of Household and Power of Veto winners are secret.
This already tense house may become more intense with no one knowing exactly who has power and their plans for the week. Tonight’s episode will show us who wins the Head of Household Competition and what he or she intends to do with this power. We’ll also see the initial nominees.
Let’s dive into the Big Brother Canada 11 recap.
BBCAN11 Week 3 Eviction Fall-Out
There wasn’t an eviction because Zach decided to walk out, but the house still feels the weight of everything that happened that week. It created a major divide between Hope and Ty. Can the men let it go and restart their games?
Kuzie feels like Zach not being voted out doesn’t give the week closure. She feels like she might be in danger because of it. Ty will not forget everything that happened with Zach, but didn’t feel like his time in the game was over. Dan S feels a little played by Zach because he now realizes that he wasn’t his tue number one ally.
BBCAN11 Week 4 HOH Results
Which of the remaining eleven players will gain power this week? Kuzie and Hope are ineligible to play in the HOH Comp. Kuzie because she’s outgoing HOH and Hope because he was caught with a letter from home. This means there are only nine players competing for this week’s HOH.
Daniel C is the first to play the Head of Household Competition. Big Brother Canada has decided to increase the prize to $150,000 but the houseguests can also bid up to that extra $50,000 to win HOH. Daniel decides to bid $25,000.
He also has to answer a tiebreaker question about guessing the average bid. He guesses $25,000. He then tells Hope and Kuzie that it is an invisible HOH. They’re shocked and doesn’t like it.
Hope doesn’t like that he has to suck up to everyone this week. He knows if he’s nominated, then Ty is the HOH.
Renee is up next. She bids $24,000. Dan goes next and decides to spend all $50,000. Dan guesses $31,013 as the average. Claudia bids 43,000 and Anika also bids $50,000. She guesses an average of $49,999.99. Ty also does $50,000 bid and he guesses the $49,999.98 average.
Jonathan bids $50,000 and guesses 25,000.50. Shanaya bids 39,000. Santina bids $50,000 and guesses 49,000.99. They them interrogate each other about their bids but no one admits to it.
The winner is revealed by Kuzie reading the winning $50,000 bid. The guess that was closes to the average was $49,000.99.
Santina is the invisible HOH.
Everyone speculates who won it. They’re basing it on the body language after the winner is announced. Santina tries to really play up losing it. However, she lets Jonathan know that she won the HOH. Santina gets a secret HOH basket and all the HOH perks secretly in the Diary Room.
Ty tries to reconcile with Kuzie. He doesn’t want to have the same label as Zach. They work through their issues and hug it out. Renee tries to do math to figure out the HOH. She says it can only be Anika, Ty, Dan, Jonathan, or Santina based on the fact that she knows her, Shanaya, and Claudia messed up their bids. Everyone wants to know who the HOH is but no one can quite figure it out.
Jonathan lists who it can’t be and that leaves Renee and Santina. Hope and Anika think it’s Renee because Anika doesn’t think Santina is that smart to guess the right number.
Jonathan doesn’t expose that Santina won it but he tries to tell Hope and Anika that it would be good if she won it because she would make a big move. Jonathan says in the DR that he thinks Santina got a bad rap because of who she was associated with in the beginning. However, he sees her for who she is and she sees him as an asset. He wants to work with her, Hope, Anika, Kuzie, and Daniel C.
BBCAN11 Week 4 Nominations
With anonymity, the HOH could literally nominate anyone. Will they play it safe and pick an easy target or will they go for someone who is a direct threat to their game?
Ty tells Santina why he believes Jonathan is the HOH. She then asks him if he thinks Dan will nominate her. He basically says yes. She then tries to talk to Dan and he gives her no reassurance that he wouldn’t target her. She wants to get out Dan. Santina then discusses with Jonathan her plan to get out Dan. He agrees with it, but Santina isn’t sure if she should nominate both Ty and Dan or try to nominate Dan and a girl to take away a potential vote and ensure that the girls vote him out. Leaving Ty off the Block would also ensure that she had a backup nominee if Dan comes off the Block.
The houseguests are gathered into the living room and the invisible HoH, a masked figure, comes on screen. The invisible HOH doesn’t give a reason why she made her nominees.
Santina nominates Dan S and Ty.
Other Stuff
Ty now wants to work with Claudia because he now knows that he can trust her.
Santina gets her Wendy’s meal delivered from Kiefer from BBCAN9. She has to eat her meal in secret in the Diary Room.
Dan S and Shanaya are at the early stages of a potential showmance.
Make sure to join us tomorrow for another Big Brother Canada 11 recap.
Read more: Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 12 is now uploaded on our website!
Tonight's Show Episode 12 Recap!
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