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Recaps Digital Dailies Wednesday (05/03/23)


Recaps Digital Dailies Wednesday (05/03/23)

Today's Drop..

Renee says TY Views Daniel as one of the guys but he's been for the girls the entire time

Renee talks about Jury Management

Renee tells TY I know your mind is made up I hope to get at least 1 vote from Ci Ci

TY talks to Renee about Hope going against him, TY Say's he's now playing the game with Claudia

Anika is coming after TY.... and TY is coming after Anika

TY is planning to send Anika right behind Renee

Renne asks TY is your mind 100% made up TY say's yes, TY tells claudia he trusts her

Renne practices her speech. Renee is fighting a losing battle and hope's at least to get a vote from Claudia, TY say's the reason why he want's Renee gone was because he can't trust her and she might talk others to go against him, TY and Claudia are working together again - it's about to get messy

Renne talks about Daniel siding with TY

Renee/ Claudia in Flamingo BR. Renee talking critically about Dan C. Renee campaigning. Renee talking - Claudia saying very little. Claudia finally says a few words and leaves

Dan C/ Ty/ Anika at dining table. Ty takes off to go talk to Renee

Renee/Ty in Flamingo BR. Renee gives her perspective. Ty gives his perspective. Renee responds and they interrupt each other. Renee not having any of it. Renee avoids looking at Ty as he talks. They continue talking over each other.

Claudia/ Ty in Toucan BR. Talking about possible comp questions. Talking about Dan C's game play. Claudia says she's anxious waiting for the comp. Ty says it's not for 8 or 9 hours. They go over possible comp questions.

Renee/ Ty in Flamingo BR. Renee asks for clarification about one of his points. Lots of back and forth. Lots of interrupting. Ty attacks. Renee attacks. Ty goes on and on. Renee lies down.Ty with a few last words then leaves. Renee lies silently.

Claudia/ Ty in Toucan BR. Ty describes his convo with Renee. Smooch session. Ty leaves. Claudia lies silently

I’m sorry y’all but after seeing these clips the last days

I don’t want Ty to win. The way he talks to women I just can’t get behind on.

They cut the feeds because they or concerned about the outside meanness towards the house guests. However the inside meanness is really what sets off the outside mean this! They didn't do themselves any favors. They left us to fill in the blanks cuz they're editing suc*s

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