Interview Anika Mysha on finishing fourth!

Interview Anika Mysha on finishing fourth!
We certainly feel a lot for Anika Mysha on Big Brother Canada 11, it is hard to go out of the game so close to the end! Fourth place is a really hard spot to go out, especially since it is just one person who decides your fate.
In the end, it was Claudia who decided to send the former Crown member out the door, leaving a final three of herself, Ty, and Daniel, who was on the block alongside her. So what did she have to say about that, and about her game overall?
Are you happy that you made it so far into the game, even though you went out so close to the finale?
Anika It sucks, not being able to go to the top 3 and being so close. But, I’m very proud that I was able to make it all the way to top 4 and proud of my journey. I wouldn’t change a thing.
Why do you think that Claudia made the decision she did?
So, a lot of things played in. Claudia does have a stronger game and relationship with Daniel than me. Yes, we were a part of many alliances together, but that us really working together we were just a part of something big.
From her side, she probably sees that as a better move for her. She can probably trust Daniel more than she can trust me, because I would’ve taken her out if it was on me to do so.
What was your strategy going in, and were you able to implement some of that?
Going in I didn’t have a big strategy. My thing was to go in, play an honest game, win people over and make genuine connections. That’s what I think that I did. I didn’t come here with a master plan or a huge strategy. I was just myself and that was what helped me make bonds and alliances.
Did you already know what you were going to say, had you made it to the final two?
I did! I was actually practicing in my head. I was wrapping up all the game moves and plans that I had. So yea, I was ready.
Is there any one move in particular that you regret?
Oh yea. During my HoH, I really wish that I had put Ty beside Claudia. That way, if Ty won the PoV I could’ve taken Claudia out. If Claudia was out, Renee would’ve then had less chance than Claudia of winning the final four POV. As we know, Renee wasn’t the best at physical comps, but neither was I! Nothing against her.
With all of this in mind, it would have been highly likely Daniel would have won and I would still be there.
How are you going to make your decision as a member of the jury?
My decision will be based on the gameplay of someone I respect, someone who played an honest game like myself and had a great social game. Comps are important, as well as someone who can explain their game moves and strategies.
In my head, I know who I am going to vote for. If that person is not in the top two, it will come down to how they answer their questions.
Finally, what would you say about your experience overall in the house?
My experience overall was unbelievable. I loved every single bit of it. I loved the connections that I had built. I loved doing all the comps, even though I wasn’t the best at them (laughs). Winning the HoH at top five. Every single moment is so special and I love it for what it is.
What did you think about Anika Mysha on Big Brother Canada 11?
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