Episode 24 Recap!

Episode 24 Recap!
Big Brother Canada 11 left us with a double eviction to process until the next episode. Kuzie became the first person to leave. Her eviction was expected because Daniel refused to flip the votes to force Renee to break a tie. He wanted to play it safe by just voting with the majority and not pressuring Renee to make a decision. This resulted in a three-to-one vote (with Ty voting Anika out) and some conflict between Daniel and Kuzie.
Going into the double eviction, Shanaya seemed pretty safe, but then she became the second person evicted from the double eviction on a Claudia Head of Household no less. Tonight, we’ll find out more about the choices that lead to Shanaya’s eviction.
We’ll also see the Head of Household Competition play out and this week’s nominations. Let’s get into this week’s recap.
BBCAN11 Week 8.5 Double Eviction Fall-Out
What happened prior to the double eviction? How did Kuzie and Shanaya take their evictions?
Claudia confesses in the Diary Room that if she can’t beat Ty, she rather team up with him going forward. She doesn’t nominate him to win some of his trust. She tries to lies to Daniel about why she leaves Ty off the Block. She tells him that she rather see him stay. Meanwhile, Shanaya and Renee discuss who to evict between Daniel and Anika.
She asks Ty not to use the Veto and to not vote out Shanaya if she ends up on the Block. He says in the DR that Claudia instructing him to keep Shanaya was where she messed up. It shows him that she’s still loyal to the three. He can work with two but not the three. He also thinks Shanaya doesn’t listen and is annoying.
Ty tells Anika that he plans to use the Veto to save her and send out Shanaya. He asks her to have his back. He then admits to Claudia that he wants to use the Veto. He tells her that Shanaya has alliances that go beyond her loyalty to Claudia and Renee.
Claudia regrets putting up Daniel and Anika now. She then informs Shanaya and Renee that she has to put one of them on the Block. Shanaya says that Renee deserves to be there more than her. They let Claudia decide. She tells them she feels like an idiot because she thought Ty would respect her nominations if she didn’t put him up.
Renee is worried that Claudia will put her up but Claudia reassures her that she won’t nominate her. Claudia tells Ty that she understands why he’s making this move, but he hates that she is making her do it. He tells her that she can blame hm for everything.
Ty admits that he’s not loyal to either side, so he doesn’t care who wins the next HOH. Ty lets Renee and Claudia about The Crown. Claudia also admits that Shanaya and her were trying to form a final four with Anika and Daniel. Anika tries to tell him about it too but he says that he already knew about it. Anika says she can’t trust Claudia. Daniel and her believe that she runs and tells Ty everything.
BBCAN11 Week 9 Head of Household Competition
Who will win it to secure their spot in the final four?
Renee, Ty, Anika, and Daniel have to keep their HOH statue standing up. They must balance to keep in place. Ty knows that he’s in the middle and doesn’t need to win the HOH. The HOH Competition lasts for 17 seconds, because everyone else loses their balance so fast.
Anika wins the Head of Household Competition!
Ty makes sure he celebrates Anika’s win with her. She tells him that she plans to nominate Claudia and Renee. Renee needs to go. She also asks him to not use the Veto if he win it.
Ty gets in a heated debate with Claudia and Renee about his decision to force them to take out Shanaya.
Daniel worries that Ty may still be working with Renee and Claudia, especially because of their showmance. However, Anika and him are considering taking him to the final three. Ty says that he’s playing the game minute by minute so he hasn’t decided which duo is better for him to make it to the final three.
Ty lies to Anika about Kuzie telling him about the final four. He also says Kuzie told him about the Crown. Anika is still unsure if she can trust Ty.
Ty and Claudia discuss their relationship and whether they should go to the end together. Anika and Daniel are worried about Ty now that he knows about The Crown.
BBCAN11 Week 8 Nominations
Who will hit the Block this week? And who will be the target for the week?
Anika nominates Claudia and Renee for eviction.
Other Stuff
As per usual, the final few weeks don’t involve that much game activity, so we should have a lot of non-game segments.
Anika takes Daniel to Wendy’s.
Adel is the person who delivers her Wendy’s meal.
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THE DOUBLE EVICTION IS HERE! https://www.facebook.com/groups/969241296437451/posts/6722118011149722/
Digital Dailies Highlights 4 Movies (04/27/23) https://www.facebook.com/groups/969241296437451/posts/6722104554484401/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/969241296437451/posts/6722013721160151/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/969241296437451/posts/6722011647827025/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/969241296437451/posts/6721999094494947/
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Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 22 Recap https://www.bigbrothersupportergroup.com/post/big-brother-canada-11-episode-22-recap
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Digital Dailies Highlights 4 Movies are now uploaded on our website!
Recaps Digital Dailies Monday (04/24/23) https://www.bigbrothersupportergroup.com/post/recaps-digital-dailies-monday-04-24-23
Week 8 Nominations https://www.bigbrothersupportergroup.com/post/week-8-nominations-1
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Digital Dailies Highlights 3 Movies are now uploaded on our website!