Digital Dailies Highlights Friday (05/05/23)

Digital Dailies Highlights Friday (05/05/23)
The Big Brother Canada 11 producers finally gave us a Digital Daily but they made sure to only give us some crumbs of what’s been going on in the house. They let us know that the houseguests were about to have their awards ceremony. We also learn that Big Brother’s Rachel Reilly makes an appearance this we.
However, we still don’t know for sure the Head of Household. This is because the 47-minute Digital Daily from May 4 avoided any major game talk. Nevertheless, there are plenty of clues to make assumptions on who won the final four Head of Household.
As we saw on Thursday’s episode, Ty was one point ahead of Claudia and Daniel in the HOH competition, but there had only been two questions asked at that point in the competition. It’s looking like his one-point lead paid off because it seems like he is the current Head of Household. The first clue leading us to this assumption is when the final four were all eating Wendy’s, Daniel joked about Ty winning so many competitions.
Then after they finished their meal, Ty thanked them for all joining him to eat the Wendy’s meal with him. This seems like he had the Wendy’s date option and was allowed to bring everyone with him. On the other hand, it could have been a competition that involved winning a Wendy’s meal for the whole house, and he won it.
However, I believe that Rachel delivered Ty his Wendy’s meal (via HOH privilege) and she also told him he could bring everyone to this one/invite them in to meet her. Another clue is before the HOH room closed, Ty tried to go up there and get something out of it. This to me seems like he’s been sleeping in the room this week.
Lastly, Daniel talked about worrying that something would happen today, and then he said he didn’t want to go yet–implying that he’s in danger of eviction. If he won HOH, he wouldn’t be worried about being evicted. Therefore, this likely means that if Ty didn’t win HOH, Claudia won it. Anika also seemed very anxious, which could also be a clue that Ty or Claudia won the HOH competition.
However, Big Brother Canada 11 gave us so little to work with that, it may all be a trick and Daniel or Claudia did win HOH, but we probably won’t know for sure until we see tomorrow’s Digital Daily. For now, we should assume that Ty won the Head of Household and made the final three.
With only a few days left of the Big Brother Canada 11 season, you won’t want to miss any of the action.
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