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Digital Dailies Highlights (03/19/23) (3)

Digital Dailies Highlights (03/19/23)

Shanaya breaks down with Claudia, Anika, and Renee. She feels hurt and embarrassed that she put herself out there and he wasn’t interested. The other women try to lift her spirit by saying someone even better looking outside the game will be all about her. They even bring up Dan’s crush on her and how she needs someone to worship her like that, and to not worry about Rob.

Santina has the right attitude to want to keep Rob to go after Zach and Ty. However, it seems like the water is already poisoned against Rob. He also feels like he can’t trust anyone, so he may have a hard time fighting for his game life. Renee is also very solid with the women and the big men are solid together, so unless Santina can grab up some middle players like Daniel, Anika, Hope, and Kuzie, then there is very little chance Rob stays.

Additionally, if Rob leaves, Zach’s position and power just grows.

Hopefully, join us tomorrow for another Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies highlights recap

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