Digital Dailies Highlights (03/11/23)
The second Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies dropped last night. It was another two hours of some important conversations mixed with games and other random houseguest conversations and activities. The second Digital Dailies did offer some valuable basic game information, including this week’s nominees and who Canada gave safety to this week.
Overall, this Big Brother Digital Dailies just clarified some things that were sort of shown and discussed in the first Digital Dailies. This Digital Dailies also leaned heavier into the games and fun side of the Big Brother Canada former-Live Feeds.
Let’s take a look at the highlights from the second Big Brother Canada 11 Digital Dailies
Wait, So John Michael Is The Backdoor Plan?
Big Brother Canada 11 Live Feeds (3/10/23)
John Michael Sosa feared that he might have been Santina Carlson’s target. He even told Kuzivakwashe “Kuzie” Mujakachi about his fears. JM also declared that he would call Santina out if she ended up targeting him. He really wanted the Veto.
Turns out that JM’s fears were right. And he may call out Santina, but we likely won’t get to see it. He is currently Santina’s backdoor target. She told Terrell “Ty” McDonald that this was her decision because getting out JM was best for her game. However, she said that Renee Mior would be who she would prefer to be evicted if JM was safe this week.
It had to be either Renee or JM because apparently, they are close in the game. Ty initially talked to Santina about Renee because he was worried that he said too much to her. We saw in another conversation that Renee complained to Robert Lopez that Ty told her that if he won the Veto he planned to save Anika Mysha with the Veto because she asked him first.
The Block Buddies
Big Brother Canada 11 Live Feeds (3/10/23)
The Digital Dailies also made it very clear that Dan Szabo, Anika, and Renee are the current nominees. Zach Neilson reassured both Dan and Anika (in different conversations) that they would be safe this week. Apparently, he’s being honest with both of them because the target is JM, or Renee if JM is safe.
Other Facts And Observations
Some of the players aligned with Hope Agbolosoo worry that he’s growing too close to JM. This proved a little bit true because JM is one of the few players that knows he has a girlfriend. Hope shared a little about his girlfriend and how much he loves and misses her with JM.
There seems to be a lot of flirting going on because Ty said that he believes Canada wants him in a showmance with Claudia Campbell (who won Canada’s safety) but he’s not here to showmance. He also mentioned Zach and Rob being a lot flirter than him.
Most of the Digital Dailies focused on a long game of Werewolf/Coyote. Nothing relevant happened but may be enjoyable to people who like the games and such in the BBCAN house.
Big Brother Canada 11 Live Feeds (3/10/23)
Hope, also, continues to spiral a bit, but Zach and others are trying to keep him in the game.
Shanaya Carter seems very much out of the loop because she has no clue that Renee may be the target. She also made an attempt to form a somewhat alliance with Jonathan Leonard. However, she seems behind as someone not really with a solid alliance, at least from the little we see on the Digital Dailies.
Zach also is trying to run the game, but as stated in the first summary, others seem to have caught on to his gameplay. He keeps insisting that there is no guy’s alliance, but it’s pretty obvious.
Santina claimed the move to take out JM o Renee is best for her game and she hasn’t been influenced. However, Zach seems still stuck on the fact that JM mentioned taking out the men, which we saw on the second BBCAN11 episode. I believe he at least had some influence on Santina’s decision to try to backdoor JM.
The Digitial Dailies have only had two drops, so we don’t know yet when to expect them. On Monday's Digital Dailies By then even more will have happened, including POV, POV Ceremony, and a potential backdoor.