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Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 28 Recap!


Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 28 Recap!

Tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 episode will finally take us to the final three players. We will watch either Claudia, Daniel, or Anika head to the jury a few days short of making the finale. We know that Ty has already made the final three as this week’s Head of Household. We just need to find out the other two players in the final three.

Everything rides on this week’s Power of Veto Competition. Whoever wins it can likely secure their spot in the final three (unless the Head of Household wins it). Whoever holds the final Veto can dictate who sits on the Block and who gets to vote out someone at the final four.

Big Brother Canada 11 has a lot to pack into this penultimate episode of the season. They must show us who won the final Power of Veto Competition, and who gets evicted tonight. Let’s get into the recap.

Arisa starts the show by informing the houseguests that tonight is this season’s special eviction. By the end of the night, there will only be three houseguests left.

BBCAN11 Week 9 Nominations Fall-out

Everyone knows that this week’s nominations mean nothing. However, how will Claudia react knowing that Ty decided to nominate her?

Daniel isn’t feeling great about losing so many competitions. The upcoming Veto is starting to stress him out. He knows that if Ty or Claudia wins Veto, then Anika or he will be out. Anika gives him words of encouragement for the upcoming Veto. Ty and Claudia are also very focused and determined to win the Power of Veto.

They see it as two vs two in this week’s Veto competition.

BBCAN11 Week 9 Power of Veto Competition

Can someone stop Ty from gaining another Power of Veto victory? Let’s find out. The winner also may secure their spot in the final three and be guaranteed to be in tomorrow’s finale.

The houseguests must go through a secret passageway for their Veto competition. They must escape the BBCAN hotel. They need to search for keys and then put them in the corresponding clues wall. It’s basically an escape room mixed with Big Brother Canada 11 trivia. The person to escape the hotel the fastest wins the Veto.

The hotel is designed to look as disgusting as possible. The clues on each side of the clue/trivia wall must all align and match. They also must do certain tasks to reach certain keys or complete the escape room, like solving a code. Each of the houseguests struggles at some point in the Veto competition. This makes it hard for us to know who is winning, the power of editing, am I right?

In the end, the order goes as followed:

4th place-Anika

3rd place-Ty

2nd place-Dan

1st place -Claudia

Claudia wins the final Power of Veto of the season.

BBCAN11 Week 9 Power of Veto Ceremony/Eviction Vote

The final four become emotional as they learn that one of them is about to leave the house. Daniel tries to campaign to Claudia to stay in the house. Anika pleas to her as well. Anika and Daniel share a tearful goodbye. Claudia then discusses with Ty what decision is best for them between evicting Daniel or Anika. He tells her to make the decision that’s best for her game. Basically, he says it doesn’t matter either way because the goal is for them to get to the end together. However, he does believe that Anika will take her to the final two before she takes him.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Claudia decides to evict Anika.

This makes Claudia, Daniel, and Ty the final three.

Other Stuff!

We see Renee come to the jury house.

We also see some of the jurors and their activities, like Shanaya taking up boxing and Kuzie hating the outdoors.

The jury also gets to see Ty’s plea video to them. They don’t seem to respond well to it.

BBCAN11 Final HOH Part 1

The final HOH doesn’t start on this episode, but the houseguests get a sneak peek of it. It’s a The Little Mermaid-themed competition. They see a trailer of The Little Mermaid, but nothing about the actual competition. The winner of the one part, maybe the final part, also wins tickets to the Canadian premiere of The Little Mermaid.

Tomorrow is the grand Big Brother Canada 11 finale. Come back tomorrow for one final BBCAN11 recap as we’ll see who takes the title and the grand prize. Are you excited for the Big Brother Canada 11 finale?

Read more:

Who Will Win Big Brother Canada 11?

Interview Anika Mysha on finishing fourth!

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 28 Recap!

Why Daniel Clarke Deserves To Win Big Brother Canada 11

Why Claudia Campbell Deserves To Win Big Brother Canada 11

Why Ty McDonald Deserves To WinBBCAN11

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 27 is now uploaded on our website!

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 27 Recap!

Who Should Win Canada’s Favourite Houseguest?

The Digital Dailies Our Review Of Them!

Welcome, everyone to my season summary of BBCAN 11.

Season Summary BBCAN11!



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