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Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 26 Recap!


Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 26 Recap!

Tonight’s Big Brother Canada 11 episode takes us down to our final four houseguests. We already know that Claudia, Ty, and Anika are in the final four, so we’re just waiting to see whether Renee or Daniel join them in it. Anika won her spot in the Head of Household Competition. Ty secured his spot with the Veto, and then he helped Claudia make it there by saving her with the Veto.

Ty has most of the power this week as he’ll also basically control who goes home with his vote. He can vote with Claudia or he can split the vote. Either way, his decision picks a side. If he votes with Claudia then that likely means he wants to keep Renee and vote out Daniel. If he spits the vote, this means that he wants to keep Daniel. If he splits the vote, this gives Anika the final deciding vote.

She will for sure keep Daniel in the game and vote out Renee. It’ll be interesting to see what Ty finally decides as he’s been changing his mind on houseguests all week. Let’s dig into this week’s Big Brother Canada 11 live eviction recap.

BBCAN11 Week 8 Power of Veto Ceremony Fall-Out

Tensions are now high between Renee and Anika because of what happened before the Ceremony. Additionally, Ty holds both Daniel’s and Renee’s games in his hands. They’re both dealing with it in nearly opposite ways.

The vibes are awkward after the Veto. Additionally, Anika feels sad and betrayed because she trusted Ty and he decided to force her to have to nominate her best friend. Daniel instructs Anika to fake it with Ty so they can keep Daniel in the game.

Anika says she doesn’t think she can do this because she feels so betrayed.

Renee tries to lie to Ty about taking him to the end to beat the best. She also makes sure that he knows Daniel is a really likable player and will win the votes.

BBCAN11 Week 8 Eviction Vote

Claudia says she is torn because she’s been aligned with Renee all season but she may need to support Ty. This could mean the end of the Girlie Pops. Daniel reminds Ty that he used his secret Veto on her. He also reminds him that Renee put him on the Block.

Ty says that he wants to play the game with Claudia. Therefore, he wants to talk to her before he makes the vote. However, he clearly pushes her to keep Daniel with the conversation.

Claudia voted to evict Daniel.

Ty vote Renee.

Anika has the deciding vote. She decided to evict Renee.

BBCAN11 Week 9 HOH Results

With only three more episodes left, the Big Brother Canada 11 producers will likely show the HOH Competition. It’s an important one because it secures the first spot in the finale and final three.

Other Stuff

What’s happening in the jury house? What other shenanigans happened this week in the Big Brother Canada 11 house?

Claudia enters the pantry and there is only slop.

Victoria from BBCAN9 enters the house to host an audition. They can use their Wendy’s points to bid on stuff.

1st item ($1,000). Renee wins the bid. 2nd item (Wendy’s meal). Ty wins it. 3rd item (video from home). Claudia wins it. 4th item ($3,000). Daniel wins it. 4th item (1 minute plea to jury). Ty wins it. 5th item (phone call from home). Anika wins it. 6th item (a strategy session with BBCAN9 winner Tychon).

We see the jury house and Kuzie and Shanaya entering it. Kuzie is still bitter about leaving before Daniel and Anika.

Shanaya walks in next. She’s still sad that Claudia took her out.

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Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 26 is now uploaded on our website!

Entering tonight’s new Big Brother Canada 11 episode

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 26 Recap!

Arisa closes the show before the HOH Comp is complete.

Big Brother Canada 11 Episode 25 is now uploaded on our website!

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